For those recently diagnosed with a cardiac disease, Davis County Hospital & Clinics Cardio-Pulmonary Rehab program offers Cardiac Rehabilitation. Cardiac Rehabilitation is designed to help you exercise safely and maintain a heart-healthy lifestyle. The program typically includes a tailored exercise program, education, and support in making lifestyle changes. The program will help you keep on track to maintain a healthier heart.

Cardiac Rehabilitation is a individualized and personalized treatment plan, including evaluation and instruction on physical activity, nutrition, stress management, and other health related areas. Cardiac Rehab is an important part of the treatment of your specific heart program if you have one of the following diagnoses:

  • Heart Attack
  • Angina
  • Coronary Artery Angioplasty or Stents
  • Open Heart Surgery such as Coronary Bypass or Valve Surgery
  • Heart Failure
  • Heart Transplantation

Cardiac Rehabilitation Offers:

  • Assessment of your personal risk factors for heart and blood vessel disease.
  • Education and support to make healthy lifestyle changes such as: Maintaining a healthy weight, heart healthy eating, & avoiding tobacco and environmental smoke.
  • Beginning & maintaining a personalized exercise plan that works for you.
  • Monitoring and better control of: blood pressure, lipids/cholesterol, & diabetes.
  • Psychological/stress assessment and counseling.
  • Improved communication with your doctor and other healthcare providers about your progress following your cardiac event.

For more information on Cardiac Rehab services, call 641-664-7136.